Candidates Outside Canada

Requirements for Immigrating to Canada for Employment Purposes

Please note that Recrute PME currently does not hold a permit for recruiting foreign workers. Consequently, we are unable to assist you in your journey to obtain employment in Canada. Nevertheless, this section has been prepared to guide you through your current steps.

Key Considerations for Working in Canada

Canada, as a welcoming and diverse nation, presents numerous opportunities for qualified immigrants looking to contribute to its dynamic economy. However, specific conditions must be met by every potential immigrant seeking employment in Canada.

Important Points to Consider:

  1. Professional Qualifications: Immigrants intending to work in Canada must possess recognized professional qualifications in their field. This may include validating diplomas, relevant work experience, and, in some cases, obtaining specific certifications from competent Canadian authorities.
  2. Validated Job Offer: Generally, immigrants must secure a validated job offer from a Canadian employer before arriving to work in Canada. This offer must be approved by the government, which assesses whether the local workforce can meet the company’s needs.
  3. Express Entry System: LThe Canadian government utilizes the Express Entry system to manage economic immigration applications. Potential immigrants must create an online profile, where they are evaluated based on factors such as age, education, work experience, and language skills.
  4. Additional Criteria: Other criteria may be required during the application, ranging from medical examinations to criminal background checks, language proficiency (French or English, depending on the job type and province), and proof of sufficient funds.

Please refer to the following official sites for the latest regulations:

Working in Quebec (Government of Quebec website)

Programs and support services for international workers who want to come and work in Quebec.

Working in Canada (Canadian government website)

Submit an application for a work permit, extension of a work permit, or hiring of a foreign worker.

Access to the nursing profession in Quebec (OIIQ website)

Do you wish to immigrate and practice the nursing profession in Quebec? Here is an overview of the profession and some information to know.


By adhering to these conditions, immigrants can enhance their chances of success in the Canadian immigration process for employment. It is crucial to follow the specific guidelines of the chosen immigration program, as they may vary based on provinces and immigration categories.

SMBRecruit emphasizes that its recommendations are designed to assist you in the job search process in Canada and do not have any legal standing. It is imperative to understand that only competent government agencies can provide official and accurate guidance on immigration matters.

Processes related to immigration to Canada are subject to strict and complex regulations governed by federal and provincial laws. SMBRecruit strongly encourages anyone interested in immigrating to Canada to consult official resources, government websites, and strictly adhere to procedures established by competent authorities. The information provided by SMBRecruit should be considered as general advice and cannot substitute for specialized legal advice required to address specific immigration issues.

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3737 , Blvd. Crémazie Est,
Suite 504 Montréal QC H1Z 2K4


(438) 239-7573